field recs

Oxmardyke - Philip Jeck & Chris Watson
Nessun Legame con la Polvere - Fabio Perletta
Evergreen - Patrick Shiroshi (a recent fave)
Mirror Views - Byron Westbrook
Below Sea Level - Simon Scott (his most recent track is also pretty good)
Flash 須臾 - Yenting Hsu
Nature Denatured and Found Again - Michael Pisaro
The Shell That Speaks The Sea - David Toop & Lawrence English
Desert Tracks - Michel Redolfi
Sonic Waters - Michel Redolfi
Chorus (Dusk/Dawn) - Taylor Deupree
The Inland Sea - Taylor Deupree
Hum - Sawako (not field recordings just thought I’d throw it in)
Audible Geography - Various Artists
Anything by Francisco López (just legit field recordings)
Anything by Chris Watson (also legit field recordings)
Anything by Ian Wellman
Anything on LOM
Toshiya Tsonuda
Limpid As The Solitudes - Felicia Atkinson & Jefre Cantu-Ledesma
Young - Kirk Barley
4 methods of loci - Tzu Ni (just found this guy)
NONAGE - Li Yilei (their album from 2021 is also fire)
Back to the Woodlands - Ernest Hood (local legen)
Two views of Amami Oshima - Andrew Pekler & Hideki Umezawa
Impressões De Uma Ilha (Unguja) - Gonçalo F Cardoso
Songs of Gold, Incandescent - Lieven Martens (Dolphins Into The Future)
Eternal Landscapes - Lieven Martens
Ke Ale Ke Kua - Dolphins Into The Future (all time fave)
The Wind of Things - M. Sage
Parayellowgram - M. Sage & Zander Raymond
Camouflage Repertoire - M. Sage
If all else fails Steve Roden R.I.P.